My household has been on a Jurassic Park kick lately. It's been one of my son's favorite movies since was a wee little kid, and now at 12, he'll still pop it in when he's bored and needs something to watch. It was playing on our screen last night and hence the inspiration for today's post: Geekosaurus.
Etsy is a wonderful treasure trove of things, and finding dinosaur items is no exception. Let's start with dinosaur things for kids, little and big alike!
The dinosaur wall stencil, by seller MyWallStencils, helps you create Jurassic Park, right in your own home, without the threat of really being eaten! There's a variety of stencils to help your imagination bloom, from T-Rex to Brachiosaurus, you can go wild with gigantic dreaming. You can purchase this here for $89.99. You will receive: 26 stencils and a detailed instruction and color guide.
This cheeky t-shirt will help you feel like you've plunged right into the middle of the movie. We all know what a clever girl you are, but why not put it out there in dinosaur proportions?
Perdita00's store allows you to shout your fan girl love for Jurassic Park for a mere £16.00, which is around $26.00 USD.
If you want to take your Dino-Love a bit further and dress like one, these next two items are perfect for you.
The Adult Godzilla Dinosaur Hat will make your roar with delight. Yes, technically it's Godzilla hat, but close enough, right? Shopkeeper RavensCraftCreations custom makes these hats, so if you have a big dinohead, it'll still fit. It's priced at $75.00.
Last, but not least, is the Dinosaur Hoodie! Complete with DinoFace on the hood, you can pretend that you're a dinosaur. Extra points if you do those little T-Rex hands. The shop owner's name is HorriblyAdorable - how could you not want to buy from a store named that? It's $69.00 and available here.
We hope you've had a roarin' good time reading this blog! Keep on geeking, Geekosauruses!
Etsy is a wonderful treasure trove of things, and finding dinosaur items is no exception. Let's start with dinosaur things for kids, little and big alike!
The dinosaur wall stencil, by seller MyWallStencils, helps you create Jurassic Park, right in your own home, without the threat of really being eaten! There's a variety of stencils to help your imagination bloom, from T-Rex to Brachiosaurus, you can go wild with gigantic dreaming. You can purchase this here for $89.99. You will receive: 26 stencils and a detailed instruction and color guide.
This cheeky t-shirt will help you feel like you've plunged right into the middle of the movie. We all know what a clever girl you are, but why not put it out there in dinosaur proportions?
Perdita00's store allows you to shout your fan girl love for Jurassic Park for a mere £16.00, which is around $26.00 USD.
If you want to take your Dino-Love a bit further and dress like one, these next two items are perfect for you.
The Adult Godzilla Dinosaur Hat will make your roar with delight. Yes, technically it's Godzilla hat, but close enough, right? Shopkeeper RavensCraftCreations custom makes these hats, so if you have a big dinohead, it'll still fit. It's priced at $75.00.
We hope you've had a roarin' good time reading this blog! Keep on geeking, Geekosauruses!