There are some, whoever, dive into this sappy, pink and red, love-fest head first. Then there are those who take the explosion of hearts literally. This post is for those people. The literal and freaky way of celebrating V-day, courtesy of the folks at Think Geek.
Ever tell someone, "My heart is yours!" Okay, I'm guilty too, but I never thought of giving this clever little plus to prove it:
This heart is not only plush, mind you, it also beats! "Oh look, honey, I didn't only give you my heart, it's alive and still thumping in a sweet, yet completely freaky way! I love you! Where are you going...?" This goody is on sale! $14.99 for your very own thumping heart. Click here to order.
If you want to take it one step further, you can always have your love, erm, ingest your heart for $6.99.
It's gummy! It's yummy (I think?) and it'll give you an element of zombiness to your relationship, because really, that's what I always look for in a man- Zombie Qualities. Hot. I dig guys who want to eat my brains and heart (because they should really ignore the fact that I don't have much boobies to stare at.) Click here to order.
"Oh honey, we can figure out what your blood type is, and if you're O+, we can pretend to drink your blood!" I think there must be a fetish for that somewhere, and if there is, I want no part of it. The first is obvious, it's a blood type kit. Why you need one, I'm not quite sure, but it's available for $8.99 here.
The other product is a "Blood Caffeinated Energy Potion. I'm including the accompanying picture because it says it all:
I suppose this would be for the Marilyn Manson/Dita von Teese (yes I realize they are now divorced) in you. Or, if you wanna get trendy and pop-culturey, the Bella and Edward in you. Here are the details:
Blood Caffeinated Energy Potion
A great (and gross) energy potion - with the same color, nutrients, and consistency of real blood.
Comes in a resealable, transfusion-style blood bag.
Yummy fruit punch flavor.
Caffeine: 80mg per bag
Energy Blend Includes: Iron, protein, and electrolytes.
Blood Type: D (for delicious)!
Unit Volume: 3.4 fl oz (100ml)
You can get it here for $4.99 - $15.99. Have a happy, hearty, bloody V-day everyone! Imma gonna go sulk in my corner now.