Whoa. That's 3 in one day. I must be bored. I've decided to write a series of haiku that's dedicated to my plight.
Ode to Job Hunting
Jobs are elusive
Hiding like wasc’ly wabbit
Come here you fucker
Hidden on craigslist
Between the pornography
Please stop phishing me.
Oh job, where art thou?
Selling myself and my soul
With my resume
Careerbuilder sucks
Monster sucks even harder
I’ll stick to craigslist
Those missed connections
Nobody’s ever missed me.
I have no stalker.
Stalkers need jobs too
They hunt for them on craigslist
No missed connections
Craigslist don’t fail me
Find me that wascally job
I need a paycheck
Ode to Job Hunting
Jobs are elusive
Hiding like wasc’ly wabbit
Come here you fucker
Hidden on craigslist
Between the pornography
Please stop phishing me.
Oh job, where art thou?
Selling myself and my soul
With my resume
Careerbuilder sucks
Monster sucks even harder
I’ll stick to craigslist
Those missed connections
Nobody’s ever missed me.
I have no stalker.
Stalkers need jobs too
They hunt for them on craigslist
No missed connections
Craigslist don’t fail me
Find me that wascally job
I need a paycheck